/*A building with a tweezer top.*/ FLOORS = 74; //should be an even # WIDTH = 15; SIZE = 1.0; YSIZE = 1.4; SQRT2 = Math.sqrt(2.0); //textures window = new UniformTexture(); window.diffuseColor.setRGB(0.5, 0.5, 0.8); window.specularity = 0.3f; window.shininess = 1.0f; stone = new UniformTexture(); stone.diffuseColor.setRGB(0.8, 0.7, 0.8); win = new Cube(WIDTH*2*SIZE, FLOORS*YSIZE/2, WIDTH*SIZE*SQRT2); win.setTexture(window, window.getDefaultMapping(win)); p = new Vec3(0.0, FLOORS*YSIZE/4.0, 0.0); script.addObject(win, new CoordinateSystem(p, 0, 0, 0)); win = new Cube(WIDTH*SIZE, FLOORS*YSIZE, WIDTH*SIZE); win.setTexture(window, window.getDefaultMapping(win)); p = new Vec3(WIDTH*SIZE, FLOORS*YSIZE/2.0, 0.0); script.addObject(win, new CoordinateSystem(p, 0, 45, 0)); p = new Vec3(-WIDTH*SIZE, FLOORS*YSIZE/2.0, 0.0); script.addObject(win, new CoordinateSystem(p, 0, 45, 0)); box = new Cube((WIDTH*2+0.1)*SIZE, SIZE/4.0, (WIDTH*SQRT2+0.1)*SIZE); box.setTexture(stone, stone.getDefaultMapping(box)); box2 = new Cube((WIDTH+0.3)*SIZE, SIZE/3.0, (WIDTH+0.3)*SIZE); box2.setTexture(stone, stone.getDefaultMapping(box)); for (i=0; i